The Corporate Insurance Services
We cover a range of industries as diverse as these...
This policy provides all risk coverage to property whilst situated at the described premises against loss and/or damage due to any accident or misfortune.
Money (CS CT FG)
Cash in Safe policy covers the cash (Banknotes, Cheques, Securities, and Bonds) secured in locked safes against any loss and/or damage caused by burglary only if forcible entry is proven to have occurred.
Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) insurance is an insurance policy that provides coverage for both damage to a property and third-party injury or damage claims.
Professional Indemnity
Essentially, it is an insurance product designed for professional people and firms that covers them in the event of certain errors made during the course of their business.
Erection All Risk policies are designed to cover the risk of loss arising out of the erection and installation of machinery, plant and steel structures…
Political Violence
The Political Violence insurance covers Premises and/or heavy equipment against War on Land including SRCC, Terrorism & Sabotage, Malicious Damage…
The Latest News & Insights
News. Company news, press releases and announcements. Insights. Industry news, analysis and service updates.
Insurance Tailored To Your Needs
Almir specializes in insurance and risk management. We act on behalf of our clients and provide advice in their interests. We help as well in identifying individual and/or business risks to help in the decision process of what to insure and how to manage the risk at hand.

Our Success Story
Active Clients
Insurance Companies
Countries Covered
The Individual Services
We cover a range of insurance services

Home Insurance
Homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance designed to protect an individual’s home against damages to the house itself…

Car Insurance
Car Insurance is an insurance policy that provides coverage for damage to a property and/or third-party injury…

Medical Insurance
Health insurance is an insurance product that covers medical and surgical expenses of an insured individual…

Personal Accident
Personal Accident insurance or PA insurance is an annual policy that provides compensation in the event of injuries, disability or death…

Marine Hull, Yacht Insurance
Insurance of the vessels & yachts which is generally known as “Hull and Machinery” (H&M).

Life Insurance
Life insurance is a cover providing a payment of a certain sum of money to a named beneficiary upon the death of the policyholder…